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St Dominic's Computing Curriculum Statement

Pupil views of Computing at St Dominic’s


What do our pupils think about computing at St Dominic’s?

Pupils were invited to share their views on computing at St Dominic’s through a pupil voice discussion in March 2022 and this is what they told us:

-100% of pupils enjoy the computing curriculum!

-When asked about the future, pupils said that computing lessons will help them throughout life and with their future careers. Some careers involved authors, teachers and a researcher which all involve work online.

-All children said that their teachers help them in lessons and that they make the learning fun.

-Pupils said that they know exactly who to talk to if they have any issues online, in school and at home.


What improvements do the pupils want to see in computing at St Dominic’s?

-Pupils said that they believe online safety is very important and even though we continuously teach online safety at St Dominic’s, the children suggested that they would like even more lessons and activities!

-Pupils would like more lessons on software such as Google Docs to practise touch typing and increasing fluency and precision when typing work.

2024 / 2025

Year 6

Y6 coding.

Still image for this video
Children have been using functions to code their turtle to draw different shapes.


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