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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Homework Timetable 23-24

Multplication Check 23-24

Below are useful websites and links to support the multiplication check that we will be complete from Monday 3 June 2024 over a 2-week period.


Purple Mash (Multiplication, Monster Multiplication, 2simple Table Toons)
Century Tech

Money for Monet - Autumn 2023

During this term, the children have been learning all about Monet in our Art lessons. As the vehicle progressed our direction changed - the children decided that they wanted to raise money for our Advent Charity; Cafod World Gifts. 

In our RE lessons we researched the key values and aims of Cafod and ultimately where our money can go when donate to them. The children liked the idea that we could provide children less fortunate than ourselves with the essentials that we sometimes take for granted; clean water, emergency food, a place to call home. 

Tamworth Castle - December 2023

This term we have been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and the importance they have to our History. We visited Tamworth Castle to gain more knowledge about Archeologists, their job and how important they are to us finding more out about our past! The children were able to dig for treasure and identify when in History they were discovered. We also learnt the Viking way of holding a sword and shield and how to protect ourselves in battle! 






Spring Vehicle 2023 - French Café

Year 4 taught their families how to order food and drinks in French from this term's French Café unit.

We had a wonderful time and raised over £100 for Father Hudson's Care!

Autumn Vehicle 2022 - Jars of Joy!

Year 4 raised £82 for CAFOD by designing and creating these tasty cookie recipe jars!

Jars of Joy!


Your jar contains:

- 150g of plain flour (triple chocolate cookie mixture has 125g of plain flour and 25g of cocoa powder)

- 70g of caster sugar

- 30g of milk and white chocolate chips


Just add:

- 125g of butter, softened

- 1 small egg yolk

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract



1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 C/ 160 C fan / gas 4.


2. Mix the butter with the contents of the jar in a large bowl with a wooden spoon. 


3. Then, add the egg yolk and vanilla extract and beat to combine. You might need to get your hands in at the end to give everything a really good mix and press the dough together.


4. Scoop the mixture into balls on a non-stick baking sheet. Space well apart, as they will spread. Flatten slightly and bake for 12 - 15 minutes.


5. Once the cookies have cooked, transfer them to a cooling rack to firm up.


6. Finally, enjoy!


Vehicle Outcome Autumn Term - Step into Stone!


Year 4 have made a video explaining how Stone got its name using the moving mechanism they made in DT. Enjoy!

Year 4 Vehicle Outcome.mp4

Still image for this video

Vehicle outcome Summer 2021

For Year Four's end of vehicle outcome, we went to the local amphitheatre in Stone to perform the Lion King play scripts we had written. It was lovely to have a short trip out of school and perform in the fresh air. A great end to our vehicle 'All Creatures Great and Small.'
