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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 


Year 3 Summer Vehicle 2024


This term, Year 3's Vehicle was called Euro Feasting! We learnt all about the human and physical Geographical features of Europe and tasted some delicious delicacies from many countries. We even had a themed day to celebrate our learning and wrote some poetry with Pep the Poet.

Year 3 Spring Vehicle 2024


This term, Year 3 have learnt all about The Stone Age! We went on a trip to the Wolseley Centre and built waterproof shelters, created clay crockery and made cave paintings using natural materials.


Scan the link below to watch our video:









Year 3 Autumn Vehicle 2023


This term, Year 3's Vehicle was The Wedgwood Revolution! We spent time in History, Geography and Art learning all about the work of world-renowned potter Josiah Wedgwood and the effects he had on Staffordshire's Industrial Revolution. We invited parents in for a pottery workshop and had so much fun! 
