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RE/Catholic Life

Season of Creation 2023

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Take a look at our thought provoking pieces of work all centered around the Season of Creation.

Our school prayer garden

Cafod Catholic Social Teaching Workshops

Confirmation 2023

Parish May Procession

First Holy Communion

World Gifts - News from the School Council

Stations of the Cross

Early Years Christmas Play

Message from our Parish Priest Father Doyle

As a Catholic parish we lay great emphasis on the sacredness and uniqueness of every child. It is a privilege to help our children to grow and develop, to prepare for the future. So begins a time when we will, with our children’s families, provide an environment in which our children will grow in their Christian faith as well as the many aspects of knowledge.

We aim to facilitate and form the whole child, to feed the child’s heart and the mind. We will not succeed without God’s help.

My prayer is: “Lord, send the Holy Spirit upon all involved in the life of our school. Open our hearts and minds to Your holy will. Let all we say and do be pleasing to You and help spread Your kingdom of love. Amen.

God bless you all.

Please click here to view our local Parish Church website.

First Holy Communion Commitment Mass

May is the month of Mary

Mary's Meals Sponsored Dice Challenge Event
